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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fashion and Beauty: Know How to Work It

I was pretty excited to go to the "Fashion and Beauty: Know How to Work It" session because fashion is constantly changing and fashion is more than just clothing. Margaux Caniato, Principal and Chief Innovative Officer of VP+C was the presenter, and her knowledge and experience blew me away.

It would be impossible for me to put everything I took away from that session, but there were some very important key things Margaux spoke on that I want to share:

First, Margaux spoke about knowing your brand. It is important to know the brand, know what you are selling and promoting. It is a high-end, classy product? Is it a more mainstream, working-girl, every day product? Know the brand.

Another important key Margaux spoke of, was to set the brand up for success. Use multiple outlets and venues to promote the brand, create excitement, utilize social media and your audience, and remember that sometimes simple is best!

Finally, Margaux talked about knowing your audience. Remember to listen to your consumer and their voice.

All in all, definitely an awesome session and her tips were so helpful and useful even outside of the fashion and beauty industry!


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